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MGT 300: Marketing Principles & Management

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MGT 300: Marketing Principles & Management

Getting Started

Find Industry Reports and Trends

Browse these links to industry websites and trade journals to learn about industry-related trends, consumer preferences, marketing, competition, and more.

American Floral Endowment
Browse the News and Reports links to find market research and trends.

American Nurseryman
This is a trade journal that covers marketing and trends, new products, and laws related to professionals in the nursery business.,ip,cpid&custid=s6221949&db=buh&jid=ANY&site=ehost-live

Fashion United
This website is geared to fashion professionals.  You can search it to find news, statistics, trends, marketing info and more.

Women's Wear Daily
This trade journal gives information about news, trends, and marketing in the fashion industry.,ip,cpid&custid=s6221949&db=buh&jid=WWD&site=ehost-live