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Reaching Out in New Ways: Highlights from the History of Alverno's Research Center on Women

Teaching Women to Manage Their Personal Finances


Three workshops, sponsored by the RCW, were held at Alverno on February 15, 22, and March 1, 1974 for women seeking information on the establishment of credit and other financial problems.

The workshops featured talks by members of the Milwaukee financial community on credit and mortgages, investments, insurance, taxes, wills and estate planning, alimony and child support. Each workshop session featured presentations by representatives from the Milwaukee financial community, followed by a question and answer period.


Prior to the workshops on January 18, 1974, the press release below was issued.

This news release dated january 18, 1974 announced the upcoming RCW-sponsored workshop on women and their finances. The workshops were held on three consecutive Fridays beginning on February 15, 1974.


This news release dated january 18, 1974 announced the upcoming RCW-sponsored workshop on women and their finances. The workshops were held on three consecutive Fridays beginning on February 15, 1974. This is page two of the press release.

Here is a link to a printable PDF copy of the press release.

As a part of the preparation for the "Women and Their Personal Finances" workshop, the Research Center on Women designed questionnaires which were sent to insurance companies, lending institutions and credit extending firms. Their purpose was to obtain a better insight and understanding into the attitudes toward women as clients or customers and the policies and practices regulating the treatment of women as clients or customers. Along with the questionnaire a letter of explanation was sent. Here are some pages from that report: Women and Their Personal Finances.


This the blue cover from the research report, "women and their Personal Finances" that was done in preparation for the workshops.


This is the first page from the research report, "women and their Personal Finances" that was done in preparation for the workshops.


This is the second page from the research report, "women and their Personal Finances" that was done in preparation for the workshops.

Want to read the entire eleven page report created in preparation for the Women and Their Personal Finances workshops? Here's a link to a printable copy of it. [PDF]