Elizabeth Hall began as Alverno Elementary School opening its doors in January 1955. It served as a laboratory school for more than thirty year. When teaching ideas changed, it separated from Alverno College in 1990. At that time the building was renamed North Hall and began to house Alverno's childcare center. In 2006 the building was renamed again, Elizabeth Hall, in honor of Sister Elizabeth Engel, a leader in the School of Education.
Sister Elizabeth Engel (M. Gerard)
Sister Elizabeth Engel was known for her enthusiasm and energy. She was happiest when she could help others.She began her work at Alverno College in 1945 as an education instructor and "retired" as a Professor Emerita in 1978, but continued working in other capacities at the academic institution she loved until her death in 2001. She helped out in the Career Development Center, Alumnae, Academic Services, and Advising Offices
She was tireless in her various roles at Alverno, but is perhaps best known as director of elementary education and chair of Alverno’s School of Education. Countless students owe their success as teachers to Sister M. Gerard…Sister Elizabeth Engel.