Founders Hall is home to a number of meeting sites. One of those sites, the Kellogg Conference Center, was established in 1976 as a result of a generous $426,000 educational grant provided by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation of Battle Creek, Michigan.
The three year grant was awarded to Alverno College to provide information on the Alverno Learning Process. The conference center was created as a space to host activities directly related to the dissemination of materials on Alverno’s Ability-Based Curriculum.
The grant from the Kellogg Foundation provided enough funding for Alverno to remodel the south end of the 4th floor of what was then the Liberal Arts building (now Founders Hall) to create a conference center. The photo below was taken in June 1976 during remodeling and construction of the center.
This photo taken in the fall of 1977, shows the finished Kellogg Conference Center Room A (now FO 460.)