Back in the 1950's the 3rd Floor of Founders Hall was home to many science labs like this one. The science labs have been in the Read Center since 1999.
Here's one of today's science labs in the Read Center.
Back in the 1970's until 1999 when it moved to the Read Center, the Media Hub occupied spaces in the north end of the 3rd Floor including in the hallway. Pictured is the sign-in desk for the old Media Hub then called the Center for Instructional Communication or CIC.
Here's the modern Media Hub in the Read Center.
The Computer Center also occupied what are now classrooms on the northwest side of Founders Hall 3rd Floor before it too moved to the Read Center in 1999. This photo is from 1984.
Here's how the Computer Center looked when it was in the Read Center. It closed in 2024.